Website update in progress!
More press coming soon!
"They sat in a circle on the floor of Ms. Kreith’s apartment on 80th Street, came up with a character, wrote a basic description of the character on an index card and passed the card to the person next to them, who had to create a pair of characters with whom the original one might interact...It took 11 playwrights, 25 scenes, 29 actors and 37 characters to pull off."
Read Fernanda Santos' article about the play that launched Theatre 167 in The New York Times HERE
Singing Beach:
"Singing Beach is a delight...Under the direction of Ari Laura Kreith, the cast of seven glide easily from reality to fantasy...(Tina Howe) has done it again. You will be won over by Piper and the delicious world she creates."
Read the rest of Retta Blaney's review HERE
See photos and more press for Singing Beach HERE
"Both in style and in content, Pirira is hard to approach. But Ari says yes when others say no. She sees possibilities that others - including me - haven't even considered. ... Having Ari Laura Kreith guide my play from seventeen pages to a full production was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life."
J.Stephen Brantley in Insights from the Innovative Theatre Foundation
Read more about the development process of Pirira HERE
"The scenes overlap, with the characters passing right by one another in the same physical space, even as the script has them oceans apart. This is theater in windows, designed for people accustomed to browsing the Internet with multiple tabs open. It's a style that Kreith has previously employed to great affect in Jackson Heights 3AM and it works just as well here. The scenes are crystal clear and maintain an independent integrity even as they illuminate and comment on one another, creating a vast tapestry of the human experience."
Zachary Stewart, Theatermania
Read the rest of this review HERE
See photos of Pirira and additional press HERE
Jackson Heights 3am
Theatre 167's Jackson Heights 3am, now playing at PS 69 in the heart of Jackson Heights and then moving to Queens Theatre in Flushing Meadows Corona Park for a final week of performances, is a sheer delight from beginning to end. This unusual work adroitly captures the frenetic energy of a neighborhood often called the crossroads of the world."
You Are Now The Owner Of This Suitcase
"It was a beautiful thing to see a room full of people obviously representing the wide-ranging cultural backgrounds and vocations the play portrays. In our shared recognition, we were all experiencing the joy, pride, and humor of this modern-day melting pot together...You Are Now The Owner Of This Suitcase is a great piece of theatre, with highly inventive writing."
Read Heather Lee Rogers review HERE
See additional press and photos of the Queens premiere HERE....and of the Manhattan revival HERE!
Voice Of America: Cultures, Languages Intersect in New Play of NYC Neighborhood--
by Carolyn Weaver
Rap Genius: Hip-Hop's Worldwide Power--by Shawn Setaro
"The Jackson Heights Trilogy is an epic song of America's most diverse neighborhood."--Zachary Stewart, Theatermania.
Read more HERE
Brooklyn Rail: You Are Now The Owner Of This Suitcase--by Ben Gassman
Woman Around Town--An Interview With Ari Laura Kreith: Artistic Director, Theatre 167
Theatre 167 performs at the 2015 NYIT Awards: https://vimeo.com/150032435
Theatermania: Pirira--by Zachary Stewart
Learning Diversity From “The Church of Why Not” in NYC--Gia On The Move HERE
Theatre Is Easy: Pirira--by Dan Dinero
Theatermania: Theatre 167: Bringing Jackson Heights to Times Square--by Zachary Stewart, Theatermania.com
NYTheatre.com: You Are Now The Owner Of This Suitcase--by Heather Lee Rogers
Off-Off-Broadway Reviews: What Color Is Your Dreamhouse?--by Michael D. Jackson